Gladiator II

Gladiator II, directed and produced by Ridley Scott, serves as a sequel to Gladiator (2000). The film was produced by Scott Free Productions and distributed by Paramount Pictures, starring Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, and Denzel Washington. Mescal portrays Lucius, whose home is invaded by the Roman army led by General Acacius. He seeks revenge against Acacius and fights as a gladiator for Macrinus, a former slave who plans to overthrow the twin emperors Geta and Caracalla.

Working within Harry Gregson-Williams’ music team, Maestro Music UK edited the music score for the large-scale feature film. In contrast to the orchestral score for Gladiator (2000), which was recorded at Air Lyndhurst Studios, the score for Gladiator II was recorded at Abbey Road Studios. MMUK worked alongside engineers Pete Cobbin and Kirsty Whalley throughout the recording process, delivering the completed edited score to music mixer Alan Meyerson.